Discipleship Ministry


What We Offer Through Discipleship Ministry

A Christian disciple is a person who accepts the good news of Jesus Christ and actively assists in the spreading of the Word. As Christ said: “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2).

McGee Chapel’s Discipleship Ministry focuses on nurturing and maintaining members’ spiritual development. As we are progressively brought from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity, God works through us to help others complete this journey. Branches of the Discipleship Ministry include: the New Members Ministry, which helps new members quickly familiarize themselves with McGee Chapel; the Care Ministry, which handles efforts to keep members who are sick or shut-in connected to the church family; and the Benevolence Committee, administered by the pastor to review special financial needs of members who may require assistance.